"The Laundromat" is a film that tackles the complex and often murky world of financial manipulation and offshore tax schemes. Rather than a straightforward narrative, it presents an anthology of interconnected stories, each illustrating the far-reaching consequences of such nefarious activities. The film's strength lies in its ability to demystify the complex web of financial deceit and bring to light the real-world implications of such activities. Its narrative style is engaging, using a mix of drama and dark humour to communicate its message effectively. The film is particularly notable for its exploration of themes like greed, corruption, and the ethical implications of wealth accumulation. It also raises questions about global financial systems and their regulation.
In business school, "The Laundromat" could be used as an educational tool in courses related to finance, ethics, and global business. The film's exploration of financial malpractices, tax evasion, and money laundering offers students a real-world context for understanding the ethical challenges in global finance. It also provides insights into the complexity of international financial systems and the importance of regulatory frameworks. By illustrating the consequences of unethical business practices, the film can foster discussions about corporate responsibility, ethical leadership, and the role of businesses in society.
The teaching cases provide real-world examples and practical insights that can be used by students, educators, and professionals alike.
ISBN: 978-1-7396044-1-7
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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