In "9 to 5," the story revolves around three women who work at a large corporation and are fed up with their oppressive and chauvinistic boss. Judy, Violet, and Doralee find themselves in a hostile work environment where their talents are underappreciated, and they face constant harassment. Fed up with their situation, they join forces to challenge the male-dominated corporate culture. Their plan involves cleverly subverting their boss's authority, creating positive changes within the organisation, and seeking justice for the mistreatment they endure. The film is a witty and entertaining commentary on workplace sexism, discrimination, and the power of collective action. It sheds light on the importance of gender equality and workplace ethics in a humorous and thought-provoking manner.
Use in classThis film can be effectively used in business school classes related to Organisational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Leadership. It highlights the significance of a healthy work environment, equal opportunities, and the consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace. It also showcases the value of teamwork, creativity, and resilience in addressing workplace challenges.
The teaching cases provide real-world examples and practical insights that can be used by students, educators, and professionals alike.
ISBN: 978-1-7396044-1-7
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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