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Cases: 3

Adapting to challenges: A journey during the COVID-19 pandemic

The case focuses on Vertual's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The case explores the challenges faced by Vertual during the pandemic, the decisions made by the CEO, and the subsequent outcomes and lessons learned.

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Bridging gaps and fostering inclusion: A social enterprise case

This case study examines key aspects of starting a social enterprise and how transferrable commercial experiences can be. It explores the challenges, strategies, and transformative impact of establishing a socially-focused organisation that bridges gaps, fosters inclusivity, and drives positive change within the business landscape.

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Pivoting for success: How Integrated Micro Products competed and thrived in telecommunications

This case study illustrates how strategic positioning, technological acumen, and timely adaptations can lead to transformation, growth, and sustained success in the dynamic world of technology and business.

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